Gene symbol and protein
Gene Location
All allelic disease phenotypes - locus/disease symbols
Apoptosis-inducing factor, Mitochondria-associated 1(M)

* Cerebellar ataxia with neuropathy, hearing loss and intellectual disability - (13.108, 14.46, 16.65)
* Combined Oxidative phosphorylation Deficiency 6 - COXPD6 (13.108, 14.46, 16.65)
* Neuropathy, axonal motor-sensory, with deafness and mental retardation - NAMSD (13.108, 14.46, 16.65)
* Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, X-linked 4 (Cowchock syndrome) - COWCK (13.108, 14.46, 16.65)
* Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease with deafness and mental retardation - NAMSD (13.108, 14.46, 16.65)